Alpaca Fibers Through Mixed Media Paper by Laura Towne
(23.75in. x 19.75in.)
"Laura Towne has been passionate about art her entire life, but it was only a few years ago that she made the adventurous decision to leave her medical career to focus on art full-time. She received her BFA from Flagler College in May of 2023. Her work is generally idea-driven, so she loves to experiment with new materials and processes. She can be found drawing, painting, or printmaking, choosing the materials and methods that will best convey her ideas. In this current “LIVING” animal series, alpaca wool fibers were selected for their complexity, texture, and natural tones to suggest a living entity on the two-dimensional surface. Unlike more manufactured materials and pigments, these “living” fibers encourage a more direct, visceral connection with the viewer, drawing attention to the vital nature of the subject."
Artwork purchased online can be picked up AFTER the exhibit ends, on or after March 30, 2025 -- or shipped to the buyer (ALL SHIPPING COSTS TO BE PAID BY THE BUYER).
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