Acrylic and ink on canvas by Susan Gray
(36in. x 36in.)
"We all have stories, or maps, as I like to call them. We wind through life with all types of twists and turns. Some parts of our map are short and direct. Others, long winding rivers with a lackadaisical flow. Who hasn't had a raging torrent that gushes through, past us?. Both, forcing us to take actions that in the end, make us the captains of our own currents.
Through my art, I can express my love for these journeys, my maps and memories adding more layers over time. I am blessed to be able to share my maps with you.
Having a multitude of rare, autoimmune diseases, my brains neural connections don't always work. Mine, is a journey to bring awareness
to others."
Artwork purchased online can be picked up AFTER the exhibit ends, on or after March 30, 2025 -- or shipped to the buyer (ALL SHIPPING COSTS TO BE PAID BY THE BUYER).
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